Wednesday, March 19, 2014

So I finally figured out how to blog...

So I finally stopped dragging my feet and started a blog. For some reason in my head I pictured starting a blog as needing to enter codes and program the site from the bottom up and that terrified me because I'm not very fluent in the ways of technology. 
So today was a very off day for me. I'm usually pretty patient with my boys (well as patient as any mom can be when you have a toddler and infant) but today with a little less than 4 hours of sleep on my plate I felt like I could pull my hair out. Thankfully I managed to get both boys down for a nap at the same time and could finish drawing the strawberry plants for my blog title. So I poured myself a hot mug of chamomile tea with honey (did you ever notice how weird honey combs look?) and grabbed some banana butter scotch cookies. 
Louis knew how rough my day was so he kept trying to convince me to go out to dinner with him, but let's be honest I had no desire to trade my comfy sweat pants for jeans and spend 30 minutes trying to cover up the dark circle under my eyes/put on some makeup, so we compromised and ordered out. It was a nice break from cooking and we spent a good hour laughing at each other's corny jokes... Time to do some meal planning for the next couple of days which means hopefully tomorrow I'll post my first recipe on the blog! 

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