Sunday, March 30, 2014

Running on no sleep, also Lennox turned three months today!

Last night an amazing thing happened, both the boys were in bed asleep by 11pm which never happens. Unfortunately I decided it was a better idea to surf through Pinterest (pin all the things!!!) and I let time get away from me and before I knew it, it was 5:30am. I finally ended up falling asleep around 6:20am but since the boys fell asleep so early the night before they both woke up by 7:30am...just my luck. They were both extra energetic so there was no way for me to try and coax them back to sleep for a few hours. The gloominess didn't help the fact that I was so tired but it's way better than getting more snow. I also had the sniffles, I wasn't sure if I was getting a cold or it was just allergies but my I had to have a tissue with me at all time because I couldn't stop sneezing. 
I decided it was time to pull out the brewer cone I bought last week so I can make myself a cup of coffee (which I hardly ever drink because I'm so sensitive to caffeine) and let me tell you, that one cup of coffee had me wired for half of the day! Me and Jowell watched Frozen and he insisted that I take a bunch of pictures of him. His favorite photo reminds me to the Step Brothers movie poster. 
All day today he was running around karate chopping everything and yelling that he was a ninja. He also really started warming up to his brother and while I was washing dishes he was busy having a whole conversation with his brother. Thankfully since Jowell woke up early he ended up knocking out on the couch around 2:30pm.

Since today Lennox turned three months it was time to take some nice pictures. I can't believe that three short months ago I was walking around my house trying to coax this little guy out. Our tiny baby is now a very chubby 3 month old infant.

This little guy has found his little voice and is now yelling and talking gibberish to us when ever he see's us. 

By this point he was getting sleepy but was fighting it so bad. He was just in a complete daze. I figured nursing him would help him fall asleep but every time he would start to drift off he would suddenly wake back up and be full of energy again.

Finally after walking around and rocking him back and forth he finally fell asleep and I couldn't resist taking more picture of this little cutie sleeping so peacefully. 

Louis came home a little after Lennox fell asleep, then Jowell woke up shortly after. I was in full crash mode by this point and I had realized that I hadn't eaten anything but a croissant the whole day. Poor Louis had to deal with the "dragon lady" (he calls me that when I get really snippy with him) and what made it worse was that I was not just tired but hangry. Louis offered to pick up some Chinese food so I didn't have to cook and I was so grateful but it didn't help the fact that I was so exhausted and it was definitely catching up to me. The problem was I was tired but still had a small buzz from the caffeine (I told you I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine, ever since I got pregnant with Lennox drinking a cup of coffee for me was like the equivalent of a person drinking 6 cups of coffee), Louis told me to go take a hot shower to try and relax a little. So I hopped in the shower, blasted some music and took my sweet time. I have to admit it was really nice not having to rush out of the shower or taking it at a normal time instead of having to wait to take one in the middle of the night after everyone is asleep. I also figured I might as well shave my legs since they started resembling Wookie legs (don't judge me, I feel like there was no point since it was cold and no one would see my legs but Louis, and he didn't really care). It was so nice to take the time to really pamper myself. When I got out Louis was trying to convince me yet again to go out to dinner with him (he always suggests it on the most inconvenient days, but he says he does it because he knows I need a break from the kids), I was way to tired to try to make myself look pretty and put on some real pants to go out (I literally live in sweat pants) so I promised him I would go out with him tomorrow night. Thankfully my parents offered to watch the boys, my only worry is that I exclusively breastfeed Lennox and he hasn't used a bottle since he was 1 month old, but my older sister will be there to help my parents if Lennox gets too fussy. 
After I got dressed I started loading the pictures onto the computer to edit them and Louis went to go get the Chinese food. I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep at the computer and Louis had to wake me up so I could go lay down for a little bit. I really don't remember the last time I was that tired. Thankfully after having a small nap and some food in my belly I feel a lot better. I think it might be a good idea to stay away from the caffeine for a while and try not to get sucked into Pinterest (easier said than done ).

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