Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cheesecake stuffed strawberries

I woke up this morning and had a sudden urge to clean, to de-clutter and reorganize. So that's exactly what I did, I spent a good portion of the day going through the shelves and cabinets. Throwing out all of the useless knock knacks laying around the house. I managed to take a break here and there to nurse Lennox and hang out with Jowell. At one point we were watching bubble guppies, and I don't know if you have watched the show but the songs are so darn catchy. I found myself singing along with Jowell to one of the songs. I smile and look over when I noticed he had stopped and he was giving me such a dirty look, I chuckled and kept on singing. This little boy said "mommy stop singing! Shhhhh!" I guess he didn't like my voice. 

When Louis got home I didn't really feel like cooking a whole meal so I just made a big salad for me and Louis. I did however think that I deserved a little treat for jump starting on some spring cleaning. With the container of strawberries and the packages of cream cheese sitting in my fridge I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make the cheesecake filled strawberries I have seen floating around Pinterest. 
You will need a container of strawberries, a can of sweetened condensed milk, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 lemon, two 8oz boxes of cream cheese (make sure they are room temperature so they will be easier to blend) and 4 graham crackers. 

Place the cream cheese in a bowl and blend with a hand mixer or if your lucky your kitchen aid stand mixer (I envy you if you have one, but I'm determined to get one for myself one day!) until soft. 
 Add the can of sweetened condensed milk and mix until smooth.

Next add the teaspoon of vanilla extract and the juice of one lemon. Blend together, cover the bowl and place in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours. 
Then take the beater and lick the cheesecakey goodness off of them....Once Jowell see's the hand mixer come out he runs over and waits till I'm done and asks "can I try?" Which means can I have a beater. He also never let's me forget to give one to his Papi, if I don't give one to Louis right away Jowell says "how about Papi?", that kid loves his father to pieces. 
Next take the strawberries and rinse them off. Take a peeler and hull out the strawberries, careful not to poke through the sides. 

Take a knife and cut a small piece off the bottom of the strawberry so it can stand up straight. 

Take the graham crackers and place them in a ziplock. With a rolling pin proceed to beat the pulp out of the graham crackers if you have any pent up aggression or if your a normal person simply roll the pin over the crackers until they are fully crashed. Place in a shallow dish.

Now take the cheesecake mixture out of the fridge and place in either a pastry bag or in a ziplock and cut a small piece off the corner of the bag. 

Pipe the cheesecake mix into the strawberries and dip the tops into the graham cracker mix. Let sit in fridge for another 15 minutes to fully set. 
I still had a good amount of no-bake cheesecake mixture left over, along with some graham cracker crumble but its ok since tomorrow is Crepe Monday at my house so it will be cheesecake filled crepes in the morning yum! Or if you want to make a mini cheesecake with the left over mixture just add some melted butter to the graham cracker crumbs and press to the bottom of the pan you are putting it in place in the fridge for 10 minutes to let the crust harden. Then add the cheesecake mixture place in the fridge for 2 hours to let fully set up and you have a no bake cheese cake ready to eat.

Link to original recipe:

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