Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breakfast Stuffed Bell Peppers

This morning after Louis got home from getting blood work done he helped me clear up the kitchen and we put on some Salsa to get the rhythm going in the kitchen. I'm a horrible dancer (well at least in my eyes) but Louis and his Puerto Rican self can't help moving to the beat. Thankfully my boys can learn to dance from their Wella (that's what Jowell calls his Abuela). As I started cooking Lennox started to get antsy so I grabbed my sling and had to dance around to get him to calm down. He loved it, I couldn't stop moving while I was wearing him or else he would start to cry (I think it was Louis's secret plan to get me to start dancing a little), so we were dancing all morning to salsa. Jowell on the other hand was busy sneaking Venus all of his cereal. Every time I was turned around I would hear a giggle look back and they would act like they weren't doing anything. Louis went to go grab his box of new shiny tools the UPS guy dropped off for him (he was like a kid on Christmas morning when he went to go grab the box). When we was coming back in I heard Jowell tell Venus "hurry! He's coming, he's coming!" And they dispersed quickly so Louis wouldn't catch him throwing food to Venus. Those two are so silly together. 

I was tired of the typical eggs and bacon breakfast. We had bought 6 green bell peppers the other day because I wanted to make stuffed peppers again but I figure why not stuff them with breakfast items? 

You'll need:
4 bell peppers (make sure that it has 4 nubs at the bottom, they are better for cooking, the peppers with three nubs are better for eating fresh)
4-8 eggs 
6 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
4 medium potatoes peeled and diced into small pieces
1/2 a red bell pepper chopped
1 medium onion chopped
1 cup of mushrooms chopped
1 cup of shredded Mozzarella cheese
1 packet of Sazón

First start by rinsing off the bell peppers. Take a knife and cut a circle around the stem of the pepper. Take a spoon and remove the seeds and some of the veins inside the pepper. Take the peppers and steam them for 10-15 minutes. Set the oven to 400 degrees. 

Now start cooking the bacon and make sure to keep the bacon fat I call the greasy goodness (hey I never said my recipes would be healthy so don't judge me) 

Take the diced potatoes and season with a packet of Sazón and some adobo. (With a Puerto Rican fiancé Sazón and adobo along with sofrito are a staple in my house) 

Using the left over bacon grease fry up the potatoes until crispy and soft on the inside. Set aside in a bowl.

In the same pan pour about a tablespoon of olive oil and sauté the onions and red bell pepper until soft. Last add the mushrooms and cook for about a minute or two, place in a separate bowl and set aside.

Now it's time to stuff the peppers. First add a layer of the potatoes to the bottom. 

Next add a some of the mushroom mixture.

Add some crumbled bacon

Sprinkle some cheese. 

Crack an egg or two and pour inside. Season with some salt (or in my case I add some adobo instead) and pepper.

Place the peppers in a casserole dish and a small amount of water to the bottom to keep the peppers moist and to keep them from sticking to the bottom of the pan. 

Place the peppers in the oven and cook for 20-35 minutes depending on how many eggs you added and how runny or well done you want the yolks. 

Sprinkle some chopped scallions and add some more bacon over the eggs. 

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