Monday, March 24, 2014

Swedish meatballs

Another late night post.... Or early morning considering it's almost 2am but it seems like now a days the early mornings are the only times I get a little me time. Don't get me wrong during the day I love being with the kids but being able to relax, skim through Buzzfeed or catch up on a few of my shows on Hulu with out lennox latched on to my boob or Jowell asking me to give him more cereal....I spoke to soon, the baby woke up so it's time to nurse again. Lennox will be 3 months on the 30th but I swear he looks like a 4 month old, I don't mind it one bit though, it's a nice change from how Jowell was when he was younger, we were always so worried about trying to get him to gain weight, even now he is extremely small for a 2 year old but that's to be expected from a preemie. Haha now I hear Jowell's little pitter pattering feet most likely up grabbing his little cup of water. I can't even lie, I love being a mom, it's what I was born to do, even on the days when I'm at my wits end I still love it. 
I was suppose write and post this up earlier today but I was busy with the crepe Monday post, plus me and Lennox got to hang out with my older sister and niece while the boys were outside playing with their uncle Eric and Louis worked on the cars. Then when I got home it was almost time to watch the teen wolf finale and we had friends over. Towards the end of the night me and the boys hung out in my room while Jowell munched on the pizza the guys had ordered and I sang nursery rhymes to Lennox. 
The day I made the cheesecake stuffed strawberries me and Louis had only had a salad for dinner. Louis and Lennox had fallen asleep and me and Jowell were hanging out. I knew that when Louis woke up he would be starving, he's the type of guy that can eat three plates of food and still have room for two more plates...where he puts it I have no idea because this man won't gain a single pound (to say I'm envious of him would be an understatement). So I knew I had to make him something to fill the bottomless pit he calls a stomach. One of the easiest and most favorite meals I make for him is a recipe I had learned from our friend Karen two summers ago, Swedish meatballs. I think it had been the first time either of us had tried it but Louis quickly told me to ask Karen for the recipe. 

She said it was simple, some
Brown gravy, mix in some heavy cream and throw in some frozen meatballs, heat up and your done. It was such a simple meal and Louis loved it so it was a winner in my book.

So what you'll need is two packets of brown gravy, water (use what ever amount is instructed on the back of gravy packet), 1 cup of heavy cream,  2 14oz bags of frozen meatballs, and a bag of egg noodles.

First start by boiling water in a pot (don't forget to salt the water generously). Add the egg noodles and cook until soft. Strain into a colander and mix in a tablespoon of butter or olive oil so the noodles don't stick together. 

In a separate pan add the 2 packets of gravy. Then add the water amount instructed on the gravy packets, in my case it was 1 cup for each packet, so 2 cups of cold water. Whisk together and on medium heat until the gravy thickens. 

Once the gravy has thickened, stir in 1cup of heavy cream. 

Bring to a boil (make sure to constantly whisk and watch to make sure it doesn't boil over) then lower the heat.

Add the frozen bag of meatballs to the mix. Cover and let cook on medium-low heat for about 20 minutes or until the meatballs are fully heated through. 

Place noodles in a bowl, pour gravy and meatballs over and garnish with some parsley. 

Swedish meatballs

1 bag of egg noodles 
2 packets of brown gravy
2 cups water 
1 cup of heavy cream
2 14oz packages of frozen meatballs
Dried parsley 

Cook noodles as instructed on the back of bag.
Pour gravy into a pan and slowly whisk water into the mix.
Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring frequently. 
Once thickened whisk in 1 cup of heavy cream.
Pour frozen meatballs into the pan. Cover and let cook for 20 minutes on medium-low heat.
Place noodles in bowl, pour meatballs and gravy over and garnish with some parsley. 

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