Thursday, March 27, 2014

Taco Pockets

Last night I needed another quick meal to put together. I didn't have I forgot to take out any meat from the freezer to defrost, I only had one pound of ground turkey left over in the fridge. Louis had also been craving taco bell but I'm not a big fan of them so I decided to whip up some taco pockets. It was a on the whim meal so I didn't think to take pictures until I was assembling them so sorry for the lack of pictures. 

What you'll need:
1 pound of ground turkey or beef
1 packet of taco seasoning along with the amount of water called for in the instructions 
2 cans of pillsbury buttery biscuits
Shredded cheddar cheese
Optional toppings:
Tomatoes and lettuce chopped up
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Chopped Black olives

Start by taking the ground beef and cooking it in a pan, drain the fat into a cup to be thrown out later (make sure not to throw it down the sink or it will harden and clog it)
Next add the water, in my case the packet called for 3/4 cups of water.
Mix in the taco seasoning, bring to a boil then let simmer on low heat for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat.
Set the oven to 350 degrees
Open up the cans of refrigerator biscuits (am I the only one that always freaks out waiting for the can to pop open? Now I always make Louis open the can because it has a jack in the box effect on me)
Place them on a greased cookie sheet and flatten the dough out with your fingers

Take a spoonful of the meat and place it on one side of the dough
Sprinkle the meat with some shredded cheese.

You can add some tomatoes and lettuce also.
Now fold over the dough and twist and pinch the dough together 

Place the taco pockets into oven and bake for 17 minutes 

Remove from oven and let cool for about 10 minutes.

Top with tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream and cheese (or what ever toppings you would like to add) and enjoy. 


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