Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pasta with asparagus and broccoli topped with lemon ricotta

My little one was just waking up from his late afternoon nap and Louis took Jowell with him for a quick trip to the store, so I had to make something quick and easy.  I still had to feed Lennox but I also didn't want to have dinner too late. Skimming through my fridge I noticed that I had a head of broccoli and some asparagus that I didn't want to go bad so I decided to throw together a pasta dish.

I grabbed the asparagus (a great tip to keep your asparagus fresh for a long time is to cut about an inch of the bottoms, put them in a glass of water like you would flowers and keep them in the fridge, it will keep them nice and crisp) and broccoli, a box of mini penne, 1 1/2 cups of ricotta, 1 lemon, extra virgin olive oil, salt, a few cloves of garlic and some Parmesan cheese (I forgot to add that in the picture) 

I boiled some water for the pasta, make sure to generously salt the water. Chop up the broccoli and asparagus, I placed them in the mini steamer my parents got me (I love that little machine, I use it almost daily), steam them for about 10 minutes or until tender but not too mushy. 

I added the pasta to the boiling water and cooked until al dente. Pour the pasta into a colander and pour a little olive oil over the pasta and toss to coat. 

I heated some olive oil in a pan and sautéed the chopped garlic over medium heat (I would normally use way more garlic than pictured but unfortunately I think I lost my mind today because I can't for the life of me remember where I put my garlic, I seriously looked everywhere and it was just gone...I have a feeling Jowell has something to do with the missing garlic). 

Add the steamed asparagus and broccoli to the pan. 

Add pasta to the pan along with 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese. I added a bit more salt at this point but that's just my preference. 

In a bowl add the ricotta, 1 tsp of zest from the lemon and a pinch of salt, whisk until smooth. 

Place the pasta mix in a bowl add a dollop of the lemon ricotta. Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese and squeeze some lemon juice over the pasta to add a little zing. 

It was a nice light meal, and Louis almost ate all of it. I tried to get Jowell to take a bite, instead he insisted on taking his bowl of honey bunches of oats and sitting on the floor to eat....As a mom that could pretty much cook anything my kid wants, I end up with the kid that hates to eat almost anything I make, hopefully Lennox isn't as picky when he is older. 

Pasta with asparagus, broccoli and lemon ricotta

1 box of mini penne
1 head of broccoli chopped into small pieces
1/2 lb of asparagus chopped into three sections
4 garlic cloves minced
1 lemon
1 tsp lemon zest
1 1/2 cups ricotta
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
Extra virgin olive oil
Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over pasta

Bring a pot of water to a boil and salt generously. 
Chop broccoli and asparagus into bite size pieces.
Steam for 10 minutes
Pour pasta into boiling water and cook until al dente.
Pour into a colander, drizzle some olive oil over the pasta. Toss to coat.
In a pan add olive oil and sauté minced garlic over medium heat.
Add asparagus, broccoli and a pinch of salt to the pan. Mix together.
Add the pasta along with 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese and a little more salt depending on preference. Toss together.
In a bowl add ricotta cheese, lemon zest and salt. Whisk until smooth.
Place pasta in a bowl, top with a dollop lemon ricotta, Parmesan cheese and a squeeze of lemon juice. 

The inspiration for this dish was from this site:

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