Friday, March 21, 2014

Another no cook day...

Today I actually felt like my old self again and actually managed to get 6 straight hours of sleep, and the only reason I woke up was being super engorged since Lennox hadn't nursed since about 1am, but man it was such a refreshing sleep I didn't care at all. It was a plus that both the boys woke up in a great mood and Lennox even got a chance to explore with his toys a little, unfortunately 10 minutes it he became super frustrated because he couldn't control his hands or arms inorder to grab some of the toys. 
Jowell had also been asking to see his grandpa since the day before and I had happened to see my dad and nephew outside when I went to walk cherry the sweet/beautiful pitbull we are fostering (she is still looking for her forever home if anyone is interested). So I decided to bring the kids outside for a bit to get some well needed vitamin d since it was such a nice day out. Of course me being the home body I am I ended up back indoors with Lennox to hang out with my sister and mother (hey there will be plenty of other sunny days for me to be outside haha). The good thing was I got a chance to help my sister Michelle set up the ring sling our younger sister got her for Christmas. My niece absolutely loved it, she fell right to sleep as my sister was adjusting her and woke up a super happy baby (although she is always smiling so she might just be a really happy kid and her smiling had nothing to do with the sling but I like to think that I helped get her in such a great mood). 
Later on in the day after we came back home I had full intentions of cooking dinner or even baking a little something so I could finally post a recipe on here since that was the main driving force behind me making a blog but I realized we didn't have what I needed to bake/cook anything decent. So I put Jowell down for a nap, I got ready and after Louis got home from work we headed off to the grocery store. On the list was veggies, meats and a few miscellaneous items. I did get a few things that weren't on my's always a bad idea to let me browse through the isles. One item that I came across was a basil plant. I LOVE gardening and I'm usually pretty good at it, unfortunately any herb plant I have in my care ends up dropping dead. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if they know I'm going to eventually pluck their little leaves to cook with but they never stay alive for more then a few weeks. I'm hoping it's different with this basil plants and I decided to name him in hopes that it will make him feel welcome and he'll want to stick around for a here is Howard Basil. 
The second item is a brewing cone, I know, I know, what's so exciting about a brewing cone? Well for starters I'm not a big coffee drinker (although some days I could really use the extra pick-me-up) because I think it's ridiculous for me to have to lug out the coffee machine just to brew one cup of coffee for myself since Louis hates coffee. Also I can't have more than one cup or else I start to feela little nuts when I have too much caffeine in my system. So I figured a brewing cone would be prefect, I could brew one cup for myself and it won't be a huge eye sore on my already cluttered counters. Plus I saw a really nice picture of a brewing cone on Pinterest and It seemed very hipster (I'm a wannabe hipster at heart...haha no not really but sometimes I wish I was). 
My final item that I was excited to get was Chia seeds. I am always seeing all these posts on Pinterest about chia pudding and god they make my mouth water, plus they are super healthy for you and after all the crap I ate during my pregnancy I can use a good amount of health in my life right now. It also helped that it was on sale so I figured what the hay I might as well take the chance and buy it so I can finally try it and see what all the hype is about. Hmm maybe that will be my first recipe post?
After all the shopping me and Louis looked at each other and without having to say a word we knew we were both thinking the same thing...takeout. Yup I hate it when you buy a cart full of groceries and really have all the intentions of cooking but then just think to yourself, ugh it took so much energy to shop and now it's going to take more energy to cook, let's just take the easy way out (don't judge me you know we've all been there) so we stopped by McDonald's to get our picky eater some fries and got ourselves Chinese....tomorrow I'll cook....


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