Saturday, March 22, 2014

French toast roll ups

As I'm writing this post my littlest one is sitting in his high chair looking at his toys and my oldest is trying to "fix" the high chair with his tools. Lennox has been farting up a storm all morning, Jowell comes up to me ands says "baby farting, need change?" I said "oh yea he needs his diaper changed, do you want to change it for me?" He gives me the most appalled look and said "me? No!" Hey it was worth a try haha.

On my never ending endeavor to find meals my picky eater will actually eat I came across a recipe for French toast roll ups. It seemed easy enough and it was a nice change from the normal French toast I make him almost every morning. Plus I could sneak in some Nutella and bananas for the added nutrition. 

You'll need: 1/4 cup milk, 1 egg and 1 tsp of vanilla for the egg mixture. 10 slices of bread, cinnamon and sugar to roll the French toast rolls in, Nutella and bananas or what ever you want to stuff the French toast with. 

Take the bread and cut off the crust, I only used 6 slices since it was just me and Jowell this morning. 

Take a rolling pin and roll the bread out flat 

Add the Nutella an bananas to one end of the bread and roll up.

Heat your pan and add a small pat of butter, in my case I added a pat of coconut oil instead because I can't get enough of that stuff. 

Dip the rolls in the egg mixture and place the rolls in the pan (I did three at a time) and let brown on all sides. I should have taken a picture of this step but I was a little embarrassed at how beat up my pans are from cooking so much...I need to get new ones. 

Right after they are done cooking roll them in the cinnamon sugar mixture. I drizzled them with chocolate syrup to coax Jowell into eating them. 

He loved them...the only down side was he had a small sugar rush from the cinnamon sugar, but I'm just glad he enjoyed them, and it means he'll tire himself out enough to not fight me on nap time. 

Link to original recipe is

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