Friday, April 4, 2014

Not so hot Mexican Nutella chia hot chocolate

Louis really hates when ever I try and get him to try something healthy. I have to twist his arm or sneak it into something with out him noticing. He wasn't a huge fan of the coconut banana chia pudding I made last night, and he had asked me to make some Mexican hot chocolate. I decided to keep a mug full to add some chia seeds into it and see how it turned out in hopes that Louis would warm up to it a little more. I tried it today and it's not as thick as the chia pudding but it reminds me more of a bubble tea just with smaller bubbles and healthier for you. This hot chocolate isn't the healthiest version of hot chocolate that can be made so feel free to swap out some of the ingredients to your liking but I just used what we had on hand. 

What you'll need:
1/2 tablet of Abuelita's Mexican hot chocolate
2 cups of 2% milk or you can use coconut, almond or soy milk in it's place.
1/8 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 tbsp Nutella 
2 tbsp chia seeds

In a pot heat the milk on medium heat until it slowly starts to bubble, make sure to watch the pot closely because the milk can boil over extremely quickly.
Next add in the 1/2 Abuelita's hot chocolate tablet and mix until dissolved
Next add in the chili powder, cinnamon and Nutella and whisk into the mix.
Take the pot off the heat and add the vanilla extract.
Pour the hot mixture into a mason jar or cup and stir in the chia seeds.
Let the mixture sit over night in the fridge.
When you are ready to drink it stir around a little to loosen up some of the chia seeds that got stuck together, sprinkle some cinnamon on top and enjoy. 

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