Saturday, April 12, 2014

Coconut Chai Tea with chia seeds

This week Louis and Jowell managed to catch a cold, I'm pretty sure it was my fault because I jinxed us by saying we probably won't get sick this year because we haven't gotten sick this I'm kicking myself for that. Now this morning I woke up with a little tickle in my throat so I quickly took a spoon full of coconut oil and stuck it in my mouth to oil pull so I could stop this cold in it's tracks. And it completely worked, no more tickle and no more sneezing, now only if I could get Louis and Jowell to oil pull (haha yea in my dreams) then we can get rid of this cold once and for all. I'm just glad that the cold doesn't seem to be that bad for Jowell, just a runny nose and sneezing, he did unfortunately get sick all over his blanket last night so I had to throw in a load of laundry at 3am, but he woke up happy so that was a plus.

My little one is also starting to get little teeth. I actually had no idea until his Abuela noticed when she was babysitting two days ago so me and Louis could run to the store. Thankfully he hasn't gone through the rough part of teething because he has been wearing an Amber teething necklace since he was a week old. The most that he has done was drool a lot and chew on his hands. I'm so glad I still have my happy little baby, I can't wait to see those little teeth pop out in a week or two! 

I also decided that since I was getting a little sick I needed a healthy morning breakfast. Yesterday I made some Chai tea concentrate and also bought Silk coconut milk so some coconut chai tea sounded delicious and for a healthy boost I added some chia seeds. 

Coconut Chai Tea with Chia Seeds:
2 cups of coconut milk (I used Silk vanilla coconut milk which I found at shoprite)
1/4 cup of chai tea concentrate
2 tbsp chia seeds

Pour the coconut milk and chai tea into a cup and mix around, add the chia seeds and let sit for about 2 hours in the fridge until the chia seeds are puffed up. When you are ready to drink stir the chia seeds and the chai spices that settled at the bottom of the cup, sprinkle some cinnamon on top and enjoy.

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