Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fluffy pancakes

My son Jowell absolutely loves pancakes, on my birthday last year I woke up to him asking me to make him pancakes (moms never have a day off). I use to use box mixes, but two things about using a box mix that I didn't like were that 1. They use different chemicals and a bunch of extra ingredients so that the mix has a longer self life 2. With a kid that loves pancakes as much as mine the cost can add up if you are always buying box mixes. So I had to search for a recipe that I could easily whip up at home, that is versatile enough for me to add extra ingredients depending in what Jowell wanted added in and that had a nice texture to it. I found a recipe on Pinterest (of course because you know I live on that site) that was simple enough and I always have all the ingredients it needs. I did change a few things from the recipe like no using melted butter and adding one more tbsp of sugar but you can always look to the original recipe

2 eggs
1 cup milk 
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp sugar

*if you want chai spiced pancakes add:
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 ground cloves
1/4 cardamom or nutmeg

In a bowl combine the flour, salt, baking powder, sugar (also add the other spices if you are making chai spiced pancakes) and mix together, set aside.
In another bowl whip together eggs and milk until foamy (I used a hand mixer).

Mix in the dry ingredients, make sure not to over mix the batter, there should still be a few lumps in the mix (you can add any extra ingredients such as blueberries, chocolate chips etc.)
Let the batter rest for a few minutes so it can thicken a but. I poured my batter into a large measuring cup with a spout so I could easily pour the batter into the pan with no mess.
While the batter is resting heat a pan on medium low heat, it will be ready when you can sprinkle some water in the pan and it bubbles and evaporates right away.
Lightly grease the pan and pour the batter into the pan.
Flip the pancake when bubbles start to form and pop.
Let cook on the other side for a few minutes and the pancake starts to puff up.
Serve with a pat of Cinnamon honey butter and some syrup. 

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