Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cream of Carrot Soup

This is another recipe that my dad taught me, sometimes he makes it using broccoli but my favorite it the cream of carrot soup (if you want to make cream of broccoli everything is the same just switch out the 10 carrots for 3 heads of broccoli chopped). 

10 carrots
5 garlic cloves
2 cups milk plus 4 separate cups of milk
4 tbsp butter
1/2 cup flour
3 chicken bullion cubes
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
Parsley to garnish

Peel and roughly chop the carrots. Steam them for about 15-20 minutes or until you can easily pierce them with a fork. 
In a blender add 2 cups of milk and add in the steamed carrots.
Blend until completely smooth, add in 5 garlic cloves and purée together. Set aside while you make the roux for the soup. 
In a pot melt the butter and cook until it starts to bubble.
Whisk in the flour and let cook for about a minute.
Pouring in a cup of milk at a time, whisk the milk into the roux until smooth, after it starts to thicken pour in another cup continuously whisking so you don't form lumps.
Once you have added all four cups of milk into the pot let it cook on medium high heat until it thickens enough to coat the sides of the pot.
Add in the puréed carrot mix into the milk sauce. 
Add the chicken bullion (I crumbled mine so it would be easier to stir in), pepper and salt.
Stir together and taste, you can add a bit more salt depending on your preference. Let cook for 4 minutes on medium heat occasionally stirring. Serve in a small cup or bowl and garnish with a little parsley, you can add a bit of cheese or top with croutons. 

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