Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cinnabon cake

Today Louis turned 24, I was trying to come up with an idea for a cake he would love. I asked him what he thought of a dark chocolate cake with cookie dough frosting...he said I sounds good but was very unenthusiastic about it so I had to wrack my brain and think of a dessert he loves. Then I saw a picture of a cinnamon roll cake {BINGO!} the only problem is I didn't really like the recipe I found for it, not that it wouldn't have tastes good because god knows any sort of cinnamon roll tastes like heaven but I had made a copy cat recipe for a Cinnabon a few months ago and it was absolutely delicious so I decided to use that recipe instead. 
I had to wake up early to rush to make it this morning because last night I was absolutely exhausted and couldn't bring myself to make anything. I rushed to make my morning coffee to get me going and started making this bad boy. 

Cinnabon dough:

1 (2 1/4 tsp) packet of active dry yeast 
1 cup warm milk plus 1 tsp sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter softened
1 tsp salt
2 eggs room temp
4 cups flour

In a small cup or bowl mix the yeast, milk and sugar together. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes and it should start to foam (I like to do this to make sure the yeast is active).
In a separate bowl cream the butter and sugar together until smooth, than mix in the eggs and salt.
Start mixing in the flour adding in one cup at a time until the mix becomes crumbly.
Pour in the yeast mixture and use a wooden spoon to mix everything together.
I made the mistake of using my hand mixer which I regretted a few minutes in. The dough will still be sticky, so I like to lightly spray my hands with non stick cooking spray or just rub a little bit of oil on my hands.
Grab another bowl and grease it lightly, place the dough into the bowl, cover it with a damp towel or paper towel and let rest in a warm area until it double in size about an hour. A little tip I learned was to turn the oven on to 200 degrees, once it's heated turn the oven off and place the bowl in the oven and let it sit for 45 minutes. 

Cinnabon filling:

1 cup packed brown sugar
3 tbsp ground cinnamon
1/3 cup butter softened
1 tbsp of flour

In another bowl mix the brown sugar, cinnamon, butter and flour together.

Once the dough is doubled in size cut the dough in half and roll out on a floured surface.
Roll it into a rectangle as best you can and make it like 1/4 inch thick.
Spread half the cinnamon mix on to the dough. Be patient it takes a while to evenly spread the mix, I used a combination of a spatula and my hands.
Grease a spring form pan and set aside.
Using a pizza cutter cut 2 inch wide slices of dough.
Loosely roll the strips in the spring form pan to form a giant cinnamon roll. Pinch the ends of the strips together.
It won't look very pretty when your done but don't worry I promise that after it rises and bakes it will fill out look lovely (goodness that sounds like something my parents would have said to me when I was going through puberty). Cover the pan with a dam paper towel again and let sit for another 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Remove the towel and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and use a spatula to flatten any parts that are rising quicker than the other side.
Bake for another 15 minutes. 

Cream cheese drizzle:

6 tbsp butter softened
1/4 cup (or 2 oz) cream cheese softened
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

In a bowl mix the cream cheese, butter, sugar salt and vanilla together until smooth.
Mix in the powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time.
Once the cake is done remove from the oven and let sit for 10 minutes.
Turn the oven off and place the cream cheese mix into the still hot oven and allow to sit for about 10 minutes or until it starts to get runny.
Use a spoon and drizzled the cream cheese mix over the cake. Enjoy while warm. 
It will help if you place the cake on a plate or pan to catch the extra drizzle that falls off the cake but I was in a hurry. 

Let's just say Louis and everyone else absolutely loved it! 

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