Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pumpkin spice Rice Krispies treats

I'm As I have said time and time again I love pumpkin anything. When me and Louis were out on Sunday for our 11 year anniversary we stopped by target to get some Halloween makeup for the boys. We happened to pass by their pumpkin section. I thought I was about to have a heart attack with all the wonderful pumpkin flavored goodies that lined the shelves. But what stood out was the pumpkin spice marshmallows, I had passed them in shoprite the day before but they were just pumpkin shaped, these bad boys were pumpkin spiced and I just couldn't pass them up. Today I was in such a baking mood making pecan pie tarts, a Dutch Apple pie and decided to pull out the Rice Krispies and the marshmallows to make these treats. The only issue now is trying to keep Jowell and Louis from finishing them all in one sitting. 

Pumpkin spice Rice Krispies treats: 

5 cups of Rice Krispies 
1 8oz bag of pumpkin spice marshmallows 
3 tbsp butter

Line a casserole pan with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray. In a pot met the butter on medium heat. Add the marshmallows in and toss them in the melted butter. Mix with a spoon until the marshmallows are melted and smooth. Remove from heat, pour in the Rice Krispies and mix all together. Pour the mixture into the prepared casserole pan. Spray some nonstick spray on your hands and press down the mixture lightly to conform to the pan. Let cook for 10 minutes. Spray a knife with nonstick spray and cut into squares. It will make about a dozen depending on how small or large you cut them. 

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