Thursday, August 21, 2014

Balsamic rosemary chicken with foil grilled veggies

Ok so I have to admit I have been pretty lazy these past few weeks after the wedding. I mean putting together a backyard wedding is hard work, thankfully I had the help of family and friends but after months of planning I felt like I needed a nice looooonnnggg break from doing anything productive.
So what have we been eating you ask? Well Chinese food, pizza, and I have made the occasional rice, beans and chicken, nothing too crazy simply because my brain was on vacation but now it's time for me to get back on the saddle. I need to cut out the Chinese and pizza {oh how I will miss thee} and start cooking and eating some real food, and I know Louis will have no objections what so ever, for the past week he has brought lefts overs from a sloppy joe casserole I made last weekend for lunch, it's safe to say he never wants to see sloppy joe again. 
Another thing is that we haven't used the grill much this summer which is a shame because to been a very nice summer, not too hot and not too cold but just right. My mother and law also gave us her grill because she moved to a nice new apartment so we actually had our own grill instead of borrowing my parents grill. I'm still terrified of turning the grill on {I always picture me accidentally turning the propane on to much and a huge plume of fire erupting when I light the grill and me saying bye bye to my eyebrows and eye lashes} so I just put everything together and make Louis cook the meal. Tonight dinner was pretty simple, grilled balsamic rosemary chicken thighs with veggies grilled in a foil packet, nice, easy and pretty healthy compared to the trash we have been eating {sorry body I know I have failed you with all the yucky stuff I have fed you, it was so wrong but it felt so right}.

Balsamic rosemary chicken thighs:
2lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs
1 cup balsamic vinegar 
3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup rosemary (dried or fresh)
2 tablespoons lemon zest
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons minced garlic 
Salt and pepper to season 

In large casserole dish arrange the chicken thighs so they lay flat. Take a fork and pierce the chicken thighs a few times so that they absorb the marinade better.
In a seperate bowl mix the rest of the ingredients except for the salt a pepper. Pour the marinade over the chicken thighs, making sure most of the chicken is covered. Cover the casserole dish with foil and place in the fridge, let it sit for 1 hour then remove from the fridge and flip the chicken so the other side can marinate for an hour (so all together it will marinate for 2 hours but you can marinate for longer or even better over night, just make sure to flip them atleast once so they will evenly absorb the marinade. 
Preheat the grill on medium heat. Brush the grates of the grill with some olive oil. 
Remove the chicken from the marinade and season with salt and pepper. 
Place on the grill and cook for 6-8 minutes on each side. Remove from the grill and serve while hot. 

Jowell insisted that he was a big boy and wanted to help with the chicken. 
Original recipe from:
Grilled vegetables in foil:
1 green pepper
1 large onion
2 yellow zucchinis 
1 cup of baby carrots 
Olive oil
Seasoned salt
Garlic powder

This recipe is super easy can the vegetables you use are interchangeable, these were just the vegetables I had on hand at the moment. Slice the vegetables and set aside. Cut 3 pieces of foil and lay them flat, they need to be big enough for you to put the veggies in the middle and fold both sides of the foil over with out the veggies spilling out. Spray the middle of the foil with olive oil non stick spray. Place the onions down first, then the green peppers, the zucchini and finally the carrots. Drizzle some olive oil over the vegetables and season with seasoned salt, pepper and garlic powder. Fold the foil up the middle first then fold the ends so tree is no way the steam can escape. Heat the grill to medium heat and cook for 20 minutes. Be careful when opening because a bunch of steam will pop out.

Ok let me just say trying to get a picture of this guy is a mission and a half. When I told him act natural this is what he did...yup that's my husband for you. 

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